Service Appendix C
Series N5700 User’s Guide 119
Command Errors (these errors set Standard Event Status register bit #5)
−100 Command error
Generic syntax error.
−101 Invalid character
An invalid character was found in the command string.
−102 Syntax error
Invalid syntax was found in the command string. Check for blank spaces.
−103 Invalid separator
An invalid separator was found in the command string. Check for proper use of , ; :
−104 Data type error
A different data type than the one allowed was found in the command string.
−105 GET not allowed
A group execute trigger is not allowed in a command string.
−108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received than were expected.
−109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than were expected.
−110 Command header error
An error was detected in the header.
−111 Header separator error
A character that was not a valid header separator was found in the command string.
−112 Program mnemonic too long
The header contains more than 12 characters.
−113 Undefined header
A command was received that was not valid for this instrument.
−114 Header suffix out of range
The value of the numeric suffix is not valid.
−120 Numeric data error
Generic numeric data error.
−121 Invalid character in number
An invalid character for the data type was found in the command string.
−123 Exponent too large
The magnitude of the exponent was larger than 32000.
−124 Too many digits
The mantissa of a numeric parameter contained more than 255 digits, excluding leading zeros.
−128 Numeric data not allowed
A numeric parameter was received but a character string was expected.
−130 Suffix error
Generic suffix error
−131 Invalid suffix
A suffix was incorrectly specified for a numeric parameter.
−134 Suffix too long
The suffix contains more than 12 characters.
−138 Suffix not allowed
A suffix is not supported for this command.
−140 Character data error
Generic character data error