100 VAC Input Power Option 10076
Section ll Manual Changes
For Agilent Models 6030A, 6031A, 6032A and 6035A: on page 2-7 (AC line Impedance Check, step b), where the
maximum output voltages are tabulated, change the voltages as shown below:
6030A change 65 V to 50 V
6031A change 8 V to 6 V
6032A change 22 V to 13.5 V
6035A change 220 V to 150 V
Section lll Manual Changes
On page 3-10 (Overvoltage Protection), change 107% to 90%.
On page 3-11 (Monitor Signals), change “0-5 Volts” to ‘’0-4.5 Volts’ ‘ .
In Table 3-6, change the soft voltage limits as follows:
Model from: to:
6030A 204.75 174.03
6031A 20.475 17.40
6032A 61.425 52.21
6035A 511.875 435.10
6033A 20.475 17.40
6038A 61.425 52.21
In table 3-7, GP-IB Commands, change the boxes in the second column (*Range **Response) with voltages tabulated in
tables a, b, c, or d as shown below.
Change the column for VSETx, VSETxV, VMAXx, and VMAXxV to set a.
Change the column for VSETxmV, and VMAXxmV to set b.
Change the column for ISETxA, ISETxA, IMAXx, and IMAXxA to set c.
Change the column for ISETxmA, and IMAXxmA to set d.
Agilent Model Set a Set b Set c Set d
6030A 0-175.00 V 0-175000 mV 0-17.403 A 0-17403 mA
6031A 020.45 V 0-20425 mV 0-122.85 A 0-122850 mA
6032A 0-51.495 V 0-51495 mV 0-51.1875 A 0-51187.5 mA
6033A 0-17.500 V 0-17500 mV 0-30.7125 A 0-30712.5 mA
6035A 0-437.50 V 0-437500 mV 0-5.119 A 0-5119 mA
6038A 0-51.495 V 0-51495 mV 0-10.2375 A 0-10237.5 mA