3 - Troubleshooting
The dc power supply's GPIB address and model number as well as other constants which are required to program
and calibrate the supply are stored in a EEPROM on the A2 Interface board. The Interface board also contains
references and other components that will affect the alignment of the supply. If the Interface board is replaced, the
supply must be reinitialized and calibrated. To initialize the power supply:
a. Enable the Calibration mode
b. Simultaneously depress the "0" and "9” keys.
c. Using the Up/Down arrows select the appropriate model number
d. Press "Enter"
The dc power supply will go through the turn-on self test sequence. It is now re-initialized and must be calibrated.
See Appendix A of the User’s Guide for the calibration procedure.
ROM Upgrade
Identifying the Firmware
You can use the *IDN? query to identify the revision of the supply's firmware. The query will readback the
revisions of the Primary Interface ROM located on the A2 Interface board. The manufacturer and model number of
the supply are also returned. The following is a sample program:
10 ALLOCATE L$[52]
20 OUTPUT 705;"*IDN?"
30 ENTER 705;L$
40 DISP L$
50 END
The computer will display the manufacturer's name, the model number, a "0," and then the firmware revision.
Example: "AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES,66332A,0,A.00.01". The revision level of the ROM can also be found on
the label affixed to the physical IC chip itself.
Upgrade Procedure
If the Interface board ROM is upgraded you can re-initialize the supply without affecting the calibration.
a. Enable the Calibration mode.
b. Simultaneously depress the "0" and "9" keys. EEINIT <model> will be displayed.
c. Using the Up/Down annunciator keys select ROMUPD <model>.
d. Using the Up/Down arrows select the appropriate model number.
e. Press "Enter".
The supply will go through the turn-on self test sequence and return to the power supply metering mode.