3 - Language Dictionary
Status Subsystem
This subsystem programs the ac source status registers. The ac source has four groups of status
registers; Operation, Questionable, Questionable Instrument ISummary and Standard Event. The
Standard Event group is programmed with Common commands. The Operation, Questionable, and
Instrument ISummary status groups each consist of the following five registers:
Condition Enable Event NTR Filter PTR Filter.
Refer to Chapter 4 under “Programming the Status Registers” for more information.
Subsystem Syntax
:PRESet Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on
[:EVENt]? Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n> Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n> Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n> Sets the Positive transition filter
[:EVENt]? Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n> Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n> Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n> Sets the Positive transition filter
[:EVENt]? Returns the selected phase's event register value
:CONDition? Returns the selected phase's condition register value
:ENABle <n> Enables specific bits in the selected phase's Event register
:NTRansition<n> Sets the selected phase's Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n> Sets the selected Phase's Positive transition filter
This command sets the Enable, PTR, and NTR registers of the status groups to their power-on values.
These values are:
Enable Registers: all bits set to 0 (OFF)
PTR Registers: all defined bits set to 1 (ON)
NTR Registers: all bits set to 0 (OFF)
Command Syntax