Programming Reference
Programming the Instrument Trigger Modes
Set Burst mode by setting the
to the burst count
required. The trigger source sets the pulse period for the pulses within
the burst (See table in Pulses on page 39).
:TRIGger:COUNt 16 Burst of 16 pulse periods
:TRIGger:SOURce INTernal1 Pulse period from internal PLL.
:DIGital:PATTern OFF Disable pattern data
Set Pattern mode by setting the
to the
required pattern length, and switching on digital pattern data. The trigger
source sets the pulse period for the data pulses (See table in Pulses on
page 39):
#Pattern length 512
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:SEGMent1:LENGth 512
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:SEGMent2:LENGth 0
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:SEGMent3:LENGth 0
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:SEGMent4:LENGth 0
#Disable counted segment loop
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:LOOP:COUNt 1
#Jump back to start of segment 1 after the last bit of the last
segment (here: segment 1)
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:LOOP:INFinite[:STATe] ON
:DIGital[:STIMulus]:PATTern:LOOP:INFinite:STARt SEGM1
:TRIGger:SOURce INTernal1 Pulse period from internal PLL
:DIGital:PATTern ON Enable pattern data
:DIGital:SIGNal1:FORMat NRZ Set OUTPUT 1 data to NRZ
:ARM:SOURce EXT1 Switch to started by EXT1