
FS2334 Probe Description
The FS2334 DDR2 Probe allows you to perform timing analysis measurements on
DDR2 DIMM busses. It also provides a Protocol Decoder with the capability of providing
State analysis of both Read and Write activity is provided by using the dual sample
mode feature available on the 169xx.
The interposer design of this probe allows any DDR2 connection to be probed while it
supports a DDR2 DIMM module.
Probe Technical Feature Summary
Quick and easy connection between the DDR2 240 pin DIMM connector and Agilent
Logic Analyzers.
Interposer design does not consume a DDR2 slot.
Complete and accurate state analysis up to 800MT/s.
Available Protocol Checking capability (VBA license required) software.
Uses Auto Sample Position Set-up (EyeFinder) and Auto Threshold Set-up to locate
tight DDR2 data valid windows for optimal state data capture.
Probe Components
The following components have been shipped with your FS2334 DDR2 Probe:
FS2334 DDR2 DIMM Probe
Supplemental DC power supply.
This Users Guide and other information on CD-ROM.
CD-ROM with the following software install files:
FS1136 DDR2 Protocol decoder software and configuration files for 169xx
analyzers or offline analysis of 800MT/s data traffic
FS1117 DDR2 Protocol Decoder software and configuration files for 169xx
analyzers or offline analysis of data traffic <= 667MT/s.
FS1140 Protocol Checking software.
Software Entitlement Certificate for Windows based FS1136, FS1117 and FS1140
Quick Start Sheet.