Thank you for purchasing the FuturePlus Systems FS2343 FBDIMM Interposer Logic
Analyzer Probe. We think you will find the FS2343, along with your Agilent Technologies
Logic Analyzer, a valuable tool for helping to characterize and debug your FBDIMM-
based systems. This Users Guide will provide the information you need to install,
configure, and use the FBDIMM Interposer Probe. If you have any questions about this
Guide or use of this probe, please contact FuturePlus Systems Corporation.
Probe Performance Limitation
The FS2343 Interposer probe is subject to the limitation inherent in probing the FBDIMM
bus at 4 GHz and the extension of the high speed trace lengths of one FBDIMM slot by
65 mm. The probe is also dependent on the “logic analyzer interface” decode function of
the Advanced Memory Buffer chip used as an interface between the FBDIMM High
speed signals and the logic analyzer. If you have any questions please contact
FuturePlus Systems.
Logic Analyzer Modules
"Module" - A set of logic analyzer cards that have been configured (via cables
connecting the cards) to operate as a single logic analyzer whose total available
channels is the sum of the channels on each card. A trigger within a module can be
specified using all of the channels of that module. Each module may be further broken
up into "Machines”. A single module may not extend beyond a single 5 card 16900
Logic Analyzer Machine
"Machine" - A set of logic analyzer pods from a logic analyzer module grouped together
to operate as a single state or timing analyzer.