Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 121
Programming Drum Sounds
To program a sound in Drum Mode, you must first enable Drum Mode for that
particular sound in the Misc. Function (see previous section). Quad Knob [4] is
always used to select a Drum (1—10), regardless of which Function or Page is
selected (except Effect, Name and Misc.). For an explanation of the basics of
Drum Mode, see page 56.
When using Edit 4 mode, sounds using Drum Mode will be unavailable for editing; only
sounds not in Drum Mode will be editable in the bargraph display. If a sound is in Drum
mode, the display will show “drmX,” whereby X is the sound number (1—4).
If you enable Drum Mode for a sound while in Edit 4 mode, the QuadraSynth
Plus will automatically switch to Edit 1 mode for that layer.
Assign Voice
The Assign Voice function is where you choose the particular sample for
the selected drum (1—10). Similar to the normal Assign Voice function,
sounds are divided into groups. After selecting the group (using Quad
Knob [1]), you then select the sample within the group (using Quad
Knob [2]). Here is a chart listing the various drum samples in their
respective groups.
Group Voice
Kick Stab Kick, Deep Kick, Spike Kick, Flap Kick, GarageKick, PillowKic, Elect Kick
Snare Studio Snr, TurboSnare, PiccoloSnr, Crisp Snr, Power Snr, Dance Snr, Rimshot,
Side Stick
Hi Hat Closed Hat, Edge Hat, Open Hat, FootClosed
Toms Hi Pwr Tom, Lo Pwr Tom, Hi Mid Tom, Mid Tom, Lo Mid Tom, Hi Flr Tom,
Floor Tom, Lo Flr Tom, Hi Slam Tom, Md Slam Tom, Lo Slam Tom, Hi Cannon,
Mid Cannon, Lo Cannon
Cymbal Cym Ride, Cym Bell, Cym Crash, Cym China, Cym Splash
Percus Tympani, TbularBell, Asian Drum, Cabasa, Castanet, Clave, High Agogo, Low
Agogo, High Bongo, Lo Bong, Conga High, Conga Lo, Conga Slap, Cowbell,
Triangle, TriangleMt, Guiro Long, GuiroShort, Hand Clap, Shaker, Maracas,
Tambourine, Timbale Hi, Timbale Lo, Log Drum, Vibrasmack, WoodBlk Hi,
WoodBlk Lo, Waterphone, SambaWhstl, ShortWhstl, Alert, Android, Cyborg,
Meteor, Supernova
Zap Attk 1, Zap Attk 2, Zap Attk 3, Mini Attk, Pop, Pop Attk, Bottle Hit, Metal
Attk1, Metal Attk2, Fingersnap,Voice EFX1, Voice EFX2, Voice EFX3
Wave High Sine, Low Sine, Noise
Rhythm PsiBeat 1, PsiBeat 2, PsiBeat 3, PsiBeat 4, PsiBeat 5, Kick Loop1, Kick Loop2,
Kick Loop3, Kick Loop4, Kick Loop5, SnareLoop1, SnareLoop2, SnareLoop3,
Backbeat, ClsdHHLoop, OpenHHLoop1, OpenHHLoop2, FootHHLoop, Ride
Loop1, Ride Loop2, Ride Loop3, Tick Talk, Swingset, Bongo Loop, BlockLoop1,
BlockLoop2, BlockLoop3, HiTriLpHd, HiTriLpSf, LoTriLpHd, LoTriLpSf, Tamb
Loop1, Tamb Loop2, ShakerLoop, ShuflShakr, PopperLoop, BottleLoop, Motor,
MiniNoizLp, HvyMetalLp, Machine Lp, Kah Loop, Bass Loop, SynBass Lp,