© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 5 - 3
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
HydraulicControl Valve & Hoses - ROPS
Control Valve & Hoses: (ROPS)
1. The two spool valve assembly shown (See
Figure 2 ) shows the fittings that are used on the
two spool control valve. Study the drawing. When
working on valve always clean the exterior of the
valve and hoses before disconnecting them. After
disconnecting the hoses cap them with clean caps
to keep contamination out of hydraulic system.
When disassembling the valve make certain the
OD of it and all work areas are clean, do not use
dirty tools or rags that will leave lint. Only lint free
towels (paper or suitable type) can be used to wipe
down the hydraulic system. If any components
need to be held in the valve body during assembly
petroleum jelly can be used.
2. When Connecting the hoses to the control
valve follow the directions as shown in the hydrau-
lic diagram (See Figure 6). Do not connect hoses
backward as this could damage the components.
3. The control handle will connect direct to the
valve (See Figure 3 & 4 ), the electric switch and
components also connect to the valve mount
bracket as shown (See Figure 3 & 4).
Install The Hose Holder. This will bolt on the
RH side of front bolster (See Figure 5). Looking at
the side of the tractor you will see 8 threaded
holes, bolt hose holder in the lower hole in second
set back from front (16 mm Hole) (See Figure 5).
All hoses will be run through sleeving material, this
must be done before they are connected.
Figure 2
ItemPart No. Qty. Description
1. 02968850 2 Adapter,Straight 8MB - 6MJ
2. 03200284 2 Adapter,Straight 6MB - 4MJ
3. 02965166 2 Adapter,Tee 6FJX - 6MJ - 6MJ
4. 02982479 2 Adapter, Straight 4MB - 6FJX
Figure 3
Figure 4
P/N 02978281
Hose Ring
Figure 5
16 mm
20 mm Threaded
holes, Frame Rail
Bolts here
Tractor Bolster RH Side