Oven Cooking Methods
Oven Cooking Methods
Bake (lower)and broil(upper)elements operate during bake.
Bake element is notvisible onthe oven bottom,but housed
underneaththe oven bottom.Broilelement may cycleon and off
duringbake and isonlyusedto heat oven quicklyand browntop
offood. Bakecan be usedto cookfoods whichare normally
baked. Oven shouldbe preheated.
Upper element operates duringbroil.Broilcan be used to cookfoods
whichare normallybroiled.Preheatingisnot requiredwhen usingbroil.
Allfoods shouldbeturned at least once exceptfish,whichdoes notneed
to beturned.
Never leave oven unattended
whilebroiling.Overceoking may
resultin a fire.
_-_ Need help on how to
cook that meat?
Foryour reference we have
provided meat preparation, handling
safety and cooking suggestions in this
manual. These recommendations are
furnished by the USDA as well as
several meat producer associations. See
the individual sections for the
Broiling Hints
Remove excess fat from meat before broiling.Cut edges ofmeat to
Place food on a cold ungraased broilingpan. Ifpan is hot, foodsticks.
Allfood exceptfish shouldbeturned at leastone time. Begin broiling
with skinside down.
Season meat after ithas browned.
Broilingdoes not requirepreheating.
Begincookingusingsuggested racklevels in Broilingsectiontotest
broiler results.If food is notbrown enough, cook on a higherrack
position.Iffood istoo brown,cook on a lowerrack position.
Oven door mustbe fully closed.