GA-K8N51GMF(-RH) Motherboard - 36 -
On-Chip IDE Channel0
Enabled Enable onboard 1st channel IDE port. (Default value)
Disabled Disable onboard 1st channel IDE port.
On-Chip IDE Channel1
Enabled Enable onboard 2nd channel IDE port. (Default value)
Disabled Disable onboard 2nd channel IDE port.
IDE1 Conductor Cable
Auto BIOS autodetects IDE1 conductor cable .(Default Value)
ATA66/100/133Set IDE1 Conductor Cable to ATA66/100/133 (Please make sure your IDE
device and cable are compatible with ATA66/100/133).
ATA33 Set IDE1 Conductor Cable to ATA33. (Please make sure your IDE device
and cable are compatible with ATA33)
IDE2 Conductor Cable
Auto BIOS autodetects IDE2 conductor cable. (Default Value)
ATA66/100/133Set IDE2 Conductor Cable to ATA66/100/133. (Please make sure your IDE
device and cable are compatible with ATA66/100/133)
ATA33 Set IDE2 Conductor Cable to ATA33. (Please make sure your IDE device
and cable are compatible with ATA33)
Serial-ATA-II 1
Enabled Enable Serial-ATAII 1 support. (Default Value)
Disabled Disable Serial-ATAII 1 support.
On-Chip USB
V1.1+V2.0 Enable USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 controllers. (Default Value)
V1.1 Enable only USB 1.1 controller
Disabled Disable onchip USB support.
USB Keyboard Support
Enabled Enable USB keyboard support.
Disabled Disable USB keyboard support. (Default value)
USB Mouse Support
Enabled Enable USB mouse support.
Disabled Disable USB mouse support. (Default value)
Onboard Audio Function
Auto Auto-detect onboard audio function. (Default value)
Disabled Disable this function.
Onboard LAN Function
Auto Auto-detect onboard LAN chip function.(Default value)
Disabled Disable onboard LAN chip function.
Onboard LAN Boot ROM
This function decide whether to invoke the boot ROM of the onboard LAN chip.
Enabled Enable this function.
Disabled Disable this function. (Default value)