232 AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book
GeodeLinkā¢ Memory Controller Register Descriptions
33234H Performance Counters (MC_CFPERF_CNT1)
2:0 WR2DAT Write Command To Data Latency. Number of clocks between the write command
and the first data beat. Valid values are: [2,1,0], and must correspond to the installed
DIMMs as follows:
0h: No delay.
1h: 1-clock delay for DDR unbuffered DIMMs. (Default)
MSR Address 2000001Bh
Typ e RO
Reset Value 00000000_00000000h
MC_CF1017_DATA Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
MC_CFPERF_CNT1 Register Map
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
MC_CFPERF_CNT1 Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:32 CNT0 Counter 0. Performance counter 0. Counts the occurrence of events at the GLIU inter-
face. Events are specified in CNT0_DATA (MSR 2000001Ch[7:0]). Reset and stop con-
trol on this counter is done via MSR 200001Ch[33:32]. (Default = 0h)
31:0 CNT1 Counter 1. Performance counter 1. Counts the occurrence of events at the GLIU inter-
face. Events are specified in CNT1_DATA (MSR 2000001Ch[23:16]. Reset and stop con-
trol on this counter is done via MSR 200001Ch[35:34]. (Default = 0h)