AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book 61
GLIU Register Descriptions
33234H Port Active Enable (PAE)
Ports that are not implemented return 00 (RSVD). Ports that are slave only return 11. Master/Slave ports return the values
as stated.
GLIU0 will reset all PAE to 11 (ON) except that GLIU0 PAE3 resets to 00 when the debug stall bootstrap is active (CPU port
resets inactive for debug stall).
MSR Address GLIU0: 10000081h
GLIU1: 40000081h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value Boot Strap Dependent
PAE Register Map
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
PAE Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:16 RSVD Reserved.
15:14 PAE0 Port Active Enable for Port 0. (GLIU0 = GLIU; GLIU1 = GLIU.)
00: OFF - Master transactions are disabled.
01: LOW - Master transactions limited to 1 outstanding transaction.
10: Reserved.
11: ON - Master transactions enabled with no limitations.
13:12 PAE7 Port Active Enable for Port 7. (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = Not Used.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
11:10 PAE6 Port Active Enable for Port 6. (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = SB.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
9:8 PAE5 Port Active Enable for Port 5. (GLIU0 = GP; GLIU1 = VIP.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
7:6 PAE4 Port Active Enable for Port 4. (GLIU0 = DC; GLIU1 = GLPCI.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
5:4 PAE3 Port Active Enable for Port 3. (GLIU0 = CPU Core; GLIU1 = GLCP.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
3:2 PAE2 Port Active Enable for Port 2. (GLIU0 = Interface to GLIU1; GLIU1 = VP.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.
1:0 PAE1 Port Active Enable for Port 1. (GLIU0 = GLMC; GLIU1 = Interface to GLIU0.)
See bits [15:14] for decode.