AMD Geode™ SC2200 Processor Data Book 355
Video Processor Module - Video Processor Registers - Function 4
29 Reserved. Write as read.
28 Reserved. Write as read.
27:4 Reserved. Set to 0.
3 Reserved. Write as read.
2 Reserved. Write as read.
1:0 VID_SEL (Video Select). Selects the source of the video data.
00: GX1 module.
10: VIP block.
01: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
The GX1 module’s video clock must be active at all times, regardless of the source of video input.
Offset 404h-407h Reserved Reset Value: 00000000h
Offset 408h-40Bh Video Processor Test Mode Register (R/W) Reset Value: 00000000h
31:0 Reserved.
Offset 40Ch-41Fh Reserved
Offset 420h-423h GenLock Register (R/W) Reset Value: 00000000h
31:24 Reserved. Must be set to 0.
23 ODD_TO (Odd Field Time Out). Indicates CGENTO0 (F4BAR0+Memory Offset 43Ch[15:0]) has expired. This bit can be
reset by writing 1 to it.
22 EVEN_TO (Even Field Time Out). Indicates CGENTO1 (F4BAR0+Memory Offset 43Ch[31:16]) has expired. This bit can
be reset by writing 1 to it.
21:9 Reserved.
8 Reserved. Set to 0.
7 Reserved. Set to 0.
6 Reserved. Set to 0.
5 Reserved. Set to 0.
4 GENLOCK_TOUT_EN (GenLock Timeout Enable).
0: Disable.
1: Enable timeout.
3 VIP_VSYNC_EDGE_SEL (VIP VSYNC Edge Select). Selects which edge of the VSYNC signal should be synchronized
with VIP.
0: Rising edge.
1: Falling edge.
2 GX1_VSYNC_EDGE_SEL (GX1 VSYNC Edge Select). Selects which edge of the VSYNC signal should be synchronized
with the GX1 module.
0: Rising edge.
1: Falling edge.
1 CT_GENLOCK_EN (Enable Continuous GenLock Function).
0: The continuous GenLock function is disabled.
1: Enable locking (i.e., synchronization) of the GX1 VSYNC with the VIP VSYNC on every VSYNC (i.e., continuous lock-
Note: If bit 0 (SG_GENLOCK_EN) = 1, it overrides the value of this bit.
0 Reserved. Set to 0.
Offset 424h-427h GenLock Delay Register (R/W) Reset Value: 00000000h
31:21 Reserved.
20:0 GENLOCK_DEL (GenLock Delay). Indicates the delay (in 27 MHz clocks) between the VIP VSYNC and the GX1 module’s
Display Controller VSYNC.
Offset 428h-43Bh Reserved
Table 7-7. F4BAR0+Memory Offset: Video Processor Configuration Registers (Continued)
Bit Description