then place a drop of clipper oil where the upper and lower blades meet and also
in the guide slot of the tension spring (Diagram H). Now slide the upper blade
to the opposite side of the lower blade and repeat this process. After completing
this procedure, slide the upper blade, centering it over the lower blade. Handle
or store your Andis Clipper with the blades down so excess oil will not run into
the clipper case.
If your clipper blades no longer cut properly (be sure to try more than one
blade, since the blade currently being used may be dull), it could be that your
blade drive assembly needs replacement.
To change the blade drive assembly:
1. Remove blade set (Diagram I).
2. Remove drive cap (Diagram J).
3. Remove blade drive mounting screws (Diagram K).
4. NOTE: Before removing blade drive assembly, note the way it is positioned
(this will help you in reassembly). Remove blade drive assembly (Diagram L).
5. Drive bearing should be at its lowest position, if not, move it with your finger
to lowest position (Diagrams M & N).
6. Put on new drive assembly, align screw holes and press down (Diagram L).
7. Reassemble blade drive by mounting screws (Diagram K).
8. Replace drive cap (Diagram J).
9. Replace blade (Diagram O).
When the blades of your Andis clipper become dull after repeated use, it is
advised to purchase a new set of blades available through your Andis supplier
or through an Andis Authorized Service Station. Some blade sets can be
resharpened–contact Andis Company for information on resharpening. To find
an Andis Authorized Service Station near you log on to www.andis.com or
contact our customer service department: 1-800-558-9441 (U.S.) or
1-800-335-4093 (Canada).
Caution: Never handle your Andis clipper while you are operating a water faucet,
and never hold your clipper under a water faucet or in water. There is danger of
electrical shock and damage to your clipper. Andis Company will not be
responsible in case of injury due to this carelessness.