Parameter setting items list:
Setting items
Parameter setting sheet
Burst Continuous No Format
Modulation ✓✓✓
Frame ✓ ✓
Slot ✓✓—
Field ✓✓—
Data — — ✓
Filter ✓✓✓
Pattern Name ✓✓✓
Parameter setting items list:
Items Display Outline Setting range
Modulation Type Modulation system
16QAM (ARIB_STD_T86), 64QAM, 256QAM
Symbol Rate Symbol rate 1ksps to 40Msps (Specified in increments of 1 sps.)
The Number of Frames Frame number 1 to 4088
Frame The Number of Slots
Slot numbers in one frame 1 to 10
per Frame
1, 24field Guard field
Set the number of bits listed in the separate table
according to “Modulation Type.”
2, 23field Ramp field
Set the number of bits listed in the separate table
Slot(Burst) according to “Modulation Type.”
3 to 22field Fixed (Fixed data) field Set an integer from 0 to 32.
3 to 22field DATA (PN9, PN15) field Set an integer from 0 to 400.
4 to 22field
CRC(Cyclic Redundancy
Check character) field
Set an integer from 0 to 32.
1 to 24field Fixed (Fixed data) field Set an integer from 0 to 32.
1 to 24field DATA (PN9, PN15) field Set an integer from 0 to 400.
2 to 24field
CRC(Cyclic Redundancy
Check character) field
Set an integer from 0 to 32.
Sets a hexadecimal fixed
0 to the maximum value of the number of bits being set
Sets the CRC calculation 1 to the number of bits in the field on the left to CRC
(Burst/Continuous) field by an integer. (except Guard and Ramp fields)
Data Field Selects a continuous pattern.
PN9, PN15, 16-bit Pattern, ALL0, ALL1
Enter arbitrary hexadecimal number for “16-bit Pattern.”
Data(No Format) Data Selects a continuous pattern. PN9, PN15, 16-bit Pattern, ALL0, ALL1
Filter Filter type Root Nyquist, Nyquist
Roll Off Filter roll-off rate 0 to 1.00 (up to the second digit of fraction)
RMS value of waveform
pattern data
651 to 4104
Pattern Name
Pattern Name Waveform pattern file name Within 20 characters
Comment Comment Within 38 characters
Calculation Starts waveform pattern data generation after setting parameters.
MX370102A TDMA IQproducer
Parameter setting items list:
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