Bias Tee (Option 0010)
For tower mounted amplifier tests, the MS20x/3xC series
with optional internal bias tees can supply both DC and RF
signals on the center conductor of the cable during
measurements. For frequency sweeps in excess of 2 MHz,
the VNA Master can supply internal voltage control from
+12 to +32 V in 0.1 V steps up to 450 mA. To extend
battery life, an external power supply can substitute for the
internal supply by using the external bias inputs instead.
Both test ports can be configured to supply voltage via this
integrated bias tees option. Bias can be directed to VNA
Port 1 or Port 2.
Frequency Range
2 MHz to 6 GHz (MS20x6C)
2 MHz to 20 GHz (MS20x8C)
Internal Voltage/Current
+12V to +32V at 450 ma. Steady rate
Internal Resolution
External Voltage/Current
±50 V at 500 mA steady rate
Bias Tee Selections
Internal, External, Off
The VNA Master offers optional integrated bias tee for supplying DC plus RF to the
DUT as shown in this simplified block diagram. Connectivity is also provided for
external supply (instead of internal) to preserve battery consumption.
Vector Voltmeter (Option 0015)
A phased array system relies on phase matched cables for
nominal performance. For this class of application, the VNA
Master offers this special software mode to simplify phase
matching cables at a single frequency. The similarity between
the popular vector voltmeter and this software mode ensures
minimal training is required to phase match cables. Operation
is as simple as configuring the display for absolute or relative
measurements. The easy-to-read large fonts show either
reflection or transmission measurements using impedance,
magnitude, or VSWR readouts. For instrument landing system
(ILS) or VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) applications,
a table view improves operator efficiency when phase
matching up to twelve cables. The MS202x/3xC solution is
superior because the signal source is included internally,
precluding the need for an external signal generator.
CW Frequency Range
5 kHz to 20 GHz
Measurement Display
CW, Table (Twelve Entries, Plus Reference)
Measurement Types
Return Loss, Insertion
Measurement Format
Port 1
Port 2
Bias Tee
Bias Tee
Internal Bias
+12 to +32 V
450 mA Max
RF Test
External Bias Input
(±50 V, 500 mA Max)