MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Specification
Modulation Characteristics
MT8850A/MT8852A measures modulation characteristics according to the Bluetooth RF
Test Specification.
Measurement of modulation characteristics is made with the EUT in test mode, loopback
enabled and hopping off. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits longest supported packets, with
the defined payload to the EUT.
Modulation characteristics are measured at three defined frequencies.
Link conditions:
Hopping: OFF
Test mode: ON
Loopback or TX mode
Payload: 11110000 and 10101010
Packet type: DH1, DH3, DH5
Supported measurements: Frequency deviation. ∆f1max, ∆f2max, ∆f1avg,
∆f2avg and ∆f2avg/∆f1avg plus % of ∆f2max < 115 kHz
Number of measurement frequencies: Three, default to qualification
specification or user defined
RF input measurement range: +20 dBm to -35 dBm
Deviation measurement range: 0 Hz to 350 kHz peak
Deviation resolution: 1 kHz
Accuracy: 1 kHz
C-4 13000-000109
June 2003