MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Top-line Messages
Internal HCI and Communication List of Error Codes
Error Code Description
0X51 Message from state controller unknown
0X52 Command from state controller unknown
0X53 Failed to create piconet
0X54 Disconnect returned fail
0x55 Failed to communicate to HCI comm. port
0X56 Timeout on reply from BBP HCI
0X57 HCI link returned fail
0X58 Missing event in protocol
0X59 Timed out waiting to receive the required measurements
0x5A Did not receive a TX/LB end event
0x5B The EUT has not been put into test mode
0x5C Core returned a hardware error event
0x5D HCI command not implemented
0x5E SYNC or invalid packet length error
0x5F DSP not communicating
0x60 Max power not reached
0x61 Min power not reached
A-8 13000-000109
June 2003