Modulation Measurements Measurements
5-42 MS278XB OM
WCDMA Measurements
All of the common modulation quality measurements are available, similar to the Signature Option 38 (QAM/
PSK Modulation Analysis); however, since this is focused on WCDMA, the symbol (chip) rate is fixed at 3.84
MHz. A few additional displays (compared to Option 38) are available as well, including Magnitude Error vs.
Time and Phase Error vs. Time.
One of the strongest features of the WCDMA measurement user interface is that you are rarely required to use
the Setup menu. In most cases when you connect a signal, set the center frequency and amplitude correctly,
and select the WCDMA measurement you want, Signature will provide a measurement result.
The rare exceptions include:
• When making QPSK measurements, the signal must be QPSK—it can not have multiple codes
• If the signal does not have a pilot (P-CPICH), the channel requires manual synchronization
• If the signal does not have the synchronizing channel (SCH), the scrambling code needs to be manually
• In addition, there are a number of advanced measurements that are accessed from the Setup menu, such
as Compressed Mode displays, Transmit Diversity, and measuring other than the first slot (or longer
than one frame in the Single-Channel Code Power vs. Slot Overview)
Refer to “WCDMA Setup Dialog” on page 4-51 for information about setting up a WCDMA measurement.