Figure 10. Antex Mixer
The ANTEX Mixer allows you to control the volume of the inputs
and outputs on the ANTEX digital audio cards. The Mixer is also
the way you route audio sources to either the record bus, for re-
cording to hard disk, or to the play bus, which diverts signals to
the line outputs.
Features of the Antex Mixer include:
SLIDE CONTROLS for adjusting input or output volume levels on
all active components and the master volume control. With your
mouse, drag the slide control bar up to increase the volume level,
and drag the slide control bar down to reduce the volume level.
BUTTONS that toggle for recording or playing on the individual
devices available. Clicking on the REC/PLAY button lets you se-
lect the destination for each input device.
SOUND LEVEL METERS to show input or output levels when re-
cording or playing in digital audio or Wave audio.