TriplePlay Multizone Satellite Audio Receiver 5
© 2003 Antex Electronics, Inc.
to make sure that the system works with the antenna in that
Table 1 Antenna mounting instructions.
In this
section… Mount the antenna with an unobstructed view:
1 East or Northeast
2 North or Northeast
3 North or Northwest
4 West or Northwest
5 Straight up
When the antenna is securely mounted with a clear view up, run
the RG58U 50 ohms coaxial cable to TriplePlay unit. Screw the
cable connector to the antenna “finger tight” (do not over
tighten with a wrench) and secure the antenna cable inside the
arm of the antenna.
Housing TriplePlay
House the TriplePlay unit in a component rack or other suitable
location that provides adequate ventilation. The maximum
ambient temperature should never exceed 120 degrees
After mounting the antenna, connect the audio cables (or
optional TOSLINK), IR, and RS232 control interfaces to the other
components in the system. Turn the volume control of amplifiers
to a low level, then connect the power cable to the TriplePlay
unit and power it on. A startup screen with Antex and SIRIUS
logos will appear briefly, followed by the default display (see
Figure 4 on page 7).
Tune to channel 184, a free preview channel, by pressing 1-8-4
on the front panel NUMERIC buttons. If the system is working,
you will hear SIRIUS programming and can proceed to activating
the unit. If the front panel display reads “Acquiring Signal” or
“Antenna Not Connected,” reposition the antenna until you hear
music playing.
Activating TriplePlay
After the channel 184 verification test, you must activate your
SRX-3 TriplePlay to access all SIRIUS channels. To do so you
must first obtain the SIRIUS ID numbers of your unit. The unit
contains three ID numbers that are used to activate each of the
three independent tuners (hereafter referred to as “zones”).
Follow the instructions below to obtain the SIRIUS ID numbers
and activate your SIRIUS radio service.
1. Press and HOLD the POWER button for four (4) sections to
access the SETUP menu, as shown below.
SRX-3 TriplePlay SETUP
SRX-3 TriplePlay SETUP
2. Press the CHANNEL down button to scroll to “SIRIUS ID
NUMBERS,” and then press the SELECT button. The SIRIUS
ID NUMBERS screen appears. Record the ID numbers for
each zone in the space below.
ZONE 1 ID: _________________________
ZONE 2 ID: _________________________
ZONE 3 ID: _________________________
3. Press the SELECT button to return to the default display.
4. Activate your SIRIUS radio service by: (a) going to
www.siriusradio.com, and then clicking the “JOIN” or
“Activate Now” icon; or (b) calling SIRIUS at
1-888-539-7474. A friendly customer care representative
will assist you in activating your unit.