18 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Dimensions (all sizes in mm, unless stated otherwise)
3.4 Technical specifi cations
See the table.
The tables below contain the technical data.
3.4.1 Dimensions of the device
Top and bottom views of the device
IMD-0529 R1
Dimension Description TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
A Overall height 1270 1620
D Device diameter 560 560
E Depth 730 730
G Diameter fl ue gas discharge/air supply 80/125 80/125
H Height fl ue gas discharge/air supply 385 385
Hx x-position fl ue gas discharge 300 300
Hy y-position fl ue gas discharge 205 205
K Height gas/burner connection 160 160
M Height cold water supply 400 400
N Height hot water outlet 1270 1620