54 Chapter 3 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re importing user accounts and using a preset, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Advanced, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -a argument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in if it doesn’t exist already.
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 10.1 server in their final location.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1 Save the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents from the version 10.3 server.
2 Replace the /etc/httpd/ directory and its files on the version 10.3 server with the /etc/
httpd/ directory and its contents that you saved on the former server. Also restore the
saved /etc/webperfcache/webperfcache.conf.
3 Copy the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents into the restored /etc/httpd/ directory.
4 Open Server Admin and make sure that web service isn’t running.
5 Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/
webconfigmigrator.log. Original versions of changed files in /etc/httpd are renamed to
httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and
mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created.
6 In Server Admin, start web service.
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
• /Library/Webserver/Documents/
• /Library/Webserver/CGI-Executables
LL2344.Book Page 54 Friday, August 22, 2003 3:44 PM