
Hot Issues 1 GB Hard Drives Formatted Improperly (2/97) - 7
Which models shipped with a 1 GB hard drive?
Not all PowerBook 1400 computers shipped with 1 GB hard
drives. Only the following models shipped with 1 GB hard
M4856 Macintosh PowerBook 1400c/117
M5576 Macintosh PowerBook 1400c/133
How can I tell if the 1 GB hard drive is formatted improperly?
If you aren't sure whether or not the hard drive has been
improperly formatted, do the following:
1 Open the hard drive window.
2 Pull down the View menu.
3 Select "by icon" from the menu.
4 Add up the numbers for "in Disk" and "available". If
these numbers add up to approximately 750 MB, then