The illustration on the facing page provides an overview of your PowerBook
computer. To set up your PowerBook for the first time, you need the power
adapter and the power cord that came with your computer.
When setting up your computer, place your computer on a sturdy, flat surface
near a grounded electrical outlet. Before following the setup instructions in
this chapter, you may want to read “Arranging Your Work Area and
Equipment” in Appendix A for tips on adjusting your work furniture and
computer so that you’re comfortable when using the computer.
Plugging in the computer
Plugging in the power adapter recharges the computer’s batteries. You should
plug in the power adapter in case the battery has drained during shipping or
Use only the power adapter that came with your PowerBook.
Adapters for other electronic devices (including other portable
computers) may look similar, but they may damage your computer.
Getting Started
Follow the instructions in this
chapter to set up your computer
and learn the basics.