m Contact the manufacturer or vendor of the program to find out whether
the program contains software errors or “bugs” and whether an upgrade
is available.
m Check that the program is compatible with System 7.5 (see the program’s
documentation, or contact the manufacturer or vendor).
m Make sure your control panels and system software extensions
(especially any that you recently added) are compatible with your
programs. See “Checking Your System Software Extensions” in
Chapter 7.
A program won’t open.
m The application program may already be open. Check the Application
menu to see what programs are running.
m There may not be enough memory available to open the program. Quit any
programs you’re not using and try again. If that doesn’t work, try restarting
the computer.
m If the program is on a floppy disk, make sure the disk is unlocked. (You
unlock a disk by sliding the tab at the corner of the disk so that it covers
the hole.)
m The program may be damaged. Reinstall the program from a known good
source (such as the original program disks or backup copies you made with
Floppy Disk Maker).
m Contact the manufacturer or vendor of the program to see if the program is
compatible with System 7.5.
A program suddenly quits or disappears, or a message says a program has quit.
m There may be a temporary software problem. Restart the computer, then
try opening the program again.
m The program may have run out of memory. See the suggestions in “A
Message Says There Is Not Enough Memory,” next.
m If the problem occurs when you are trying to print, there may not be
enough memory for printing.
m Contact the manufacturer or vendor of the program to see if the program
contains software errors or “bugs” and if it is compatible with the version
of system software you’re using.
Tips and Troubleshooting