
Delta Guide to the PowerBook 2400c Computer
Features 1
Most of the features of the PowerBook 2400c computer are the same as those of the
PowerBook 3400 computer. Table 1-2 lists the features that are different; those features
are described individually in the following sections of this developer note.
Table 1-2
Feature comparison
Feature PowerBook 3400 PowerBook 2400c
Size 11.5 by 9.4 by 2.4 inches 10.5
by 8.4 by 1.9 inches
Weight 6.7 pounds including battery 4.4 pounds including battery
CPU clock speed 180, 200, or 240 MHz 180 MHz
RAM expansion RAM expansion card;
144 MB maximum RAM
48 MB maximum RAM
Display 12.1-inch TFT, color, SVGA 10.4-inch TFT, color, SVGA
Battery type lithium ion or nickel metal
hydride battery
6-cell lithium ion battery
PC Card eject Nitinol wire actuated Motor driven
Keyboard size Keys on 19-mm pitch Keys on 16.5-mm pitch
Keyboard layout US and ISO standard versions Versions for the US and Japan
Hard disk size 1.3, 2.0, or 3.0 GB 1.3 GB
Internal I/O expansion Expansion bay for internal FDD,
CD-ROM, or hard disk drive;
internal PCI slot
No expansion bay or PCI slot;
ports for external floppy disk
drive and external SCSI devices
Floppy disk drive Expansion bay accepts an internal
floppy disk drive
Port for connecting an external
floppy disk drive
IR interface Dual lens system Single lens system
Microphone jack Accepts Apple PlainTalk
Accepts only Omni microphone
Speakers Two speakers in bezel and two
speakers behind display
One speaker, in bezel