Hot Issues PowerBook 3400: Battery Gasket Installation (8/97) - 6
and speaker grill, part number 922-2488. All service
grills come with the foam gasket installed.
PowerBook 3400: Battery Gasket
Installation (8/97)
A small number of PowerBook 3400 computers
running on battery power have unexpectedly shut down when
jostled or when pressure was applied to the battery area.
The problem is due to intermittent battery contact.
If a PowerBook 3400 exhibits the above problem,
Apple recommends adding a foam gasket to the inside of the
battery bay to improve battery contact. The gasket is
available free of charge in a user-installable kit. To order
the kit, customers may call 1-888-273-3594.
Alternatively, service providers may install the gasket for