Wo rd processing
Shortcuts for selecting text
Word Double-click word
Line Click line three times
Paragraph Click paragraph
four times
From insertion point to Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow
beginning of paragraph
From insertion point Shift+Ctrl+Down
to end of paragraph Arrow
Extend selection Click one end
of selection, then
Shift+click the other
Extend selection Click one end, then press
a paragraph at Shift+Up Arrow
a time or Shift+Down Arrow
Whole document Ctrl+A
Entering special characters
Nonbreaking space Ctrl+Space bar
Line break (soft return) Shift+Enter
Column break Enter (keypad)
Page break Ctrl+Enter
Section break Shift+Ctrl+Enter
Text ruler controls
Paragraph margin
Paragraph alignment
Line spacing
Tab markers
To set a tab, drag a tab marker to the text ruler.
Number of columns
Drag to set
the right margin.
Drag to set both
the left margin and
first-line indent.
Double-click to
change settings.
Click to decrease.
Click to increase.
Align on specific
Click to decrease.
Double-click to
change settings.
Click to increase.
Drag to set only
the left margin.
Drag to set the
first-line indent.