
Apple software updates are posted to two separate areas on CompuServe:
Apple Support Forum and Apple New Updates. All updates are posted
simultaneously to both areas. Updates are removed from the Apple New
Updates area after three weeks.
Apple Support Forum (GO APLSUP) contains all software and information
libraries. Software is organized by category into separate libraries, including:
m System Software
m Apple II
m Newton
m System Enablers
m Printing
m Display & Peripheral Software
m Networking & Communications
m DOS & Windows
Apple New Updates (GO APLNEW) contains all recently published Apple
software updates, allowing you to download the latest and most popular
Apple software updates quickly and easily.
Internet: Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
Apple recommends using TurboGopher client software to access the Apple
Computer Higher Education Gopher server. The “Apple Support Area” folder
is located in the following path:
Home Gopher Server
Computer Information
Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
Apple Support Area
Apple SW Updates
TurboGopher Client software is available via anonymous file transfer protocol
(ftp) to boombox.micro.umn.edu in the /pub/gopher directory.
m Host name: info.hed.apple.com