Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your MacBook 51
 If you register for a .Mac account from Apple (fees apply), you can use it to transfer
files. With a .Mac account, you get an iDisk, which provides Internet space for backing
up and storing files, so other computers can access the files you transfer there.
 Using a recordable optical drive, you can record files for transfer on a CD or DVD disc.
 If you connect your computer to a network using Ethernet, you can exchange files
with other computers on the network. You can access a server or another computer
by clicking Network in the Finder sidebar, or by choosing Go > Connect to Server
from the menu bar.
 You can create a small Ethernet network by connecting an Ethernet cable from your
MacBook to another computer’s Ethernet port. After you’re connected, you can
transfer files directly from one computer to the other. For more information, open
Mac Help and search for “connecting two computers.”
 You can connect to an AirPort Extreme wireless network to transfer files. For more
information, see “How AirPort Provides Wireless Internet Access” on page 61.
 If you have access to devices that communicate using Bluetooth® wireless
technology, you can transfer files to other Bluetooth equipped devices. For more
information, see “Using Bluetooth Wireless Technology” on page 62.
For general information about transferring files and documents, open Mac Help and
search for “transferring” or for the type of connection you need.