66 Chapter 4
About Mac OS X
Start up using Mac OS X and explore its advanced technologies, such as the elegant new
user interface, incredible graphics capabilities, and added system stability and performance.
Mac OS X manages your computer processes so you can concentrate on what you want to
do. You don’t need to worry about restarting your computer if something goes wrong with
one software application. Mac OS X shuts down just that application so you can keep
working without interruption. The Mac OS X virtual memory manager allots the amount of
memory your software applications need to run efficiently. When you’re ready to learn
more about Mac OS X, read Welcome to Mac OS X. This book introduces the features of
Mac OS X and provides tips for Mac OS 9 users on how to use Mac OS X to perform
common Mac OS 9 tasks. If you experience any problems while learning about Mac OS X,
see the Troubleshooting tips in the back of the book or choose Mac Help from the Help
menu in Mac OS X.
Information About Software and Mac OS X
For information about the compatibility of software applications with Mac OS X, or to read
more about Mac OS X, check the Apple Web site: guide.apple.com/macosx/
Using Classic in Mac OS X
In addition to using Mac OS X applications, you can continue to use Mac OS 9 applications in
the special Classic environment. Classic works in the background to access Mac OS 9 features
and software applications. When you start up Classic, Mac OS 9 software works in Mac OS X
just as it does in Mac OS 9, but doesn’t benefit from Mac OS X features such as the look of
the new interface. Simply open a Mac OS 9 application or double-click a document created in
a Mac OS 9 application. If Classic isn’t running, it starts up.
Classic continues to run in the background, even if no Mac OS 9 applications are open, so
applications and documents open faster and more easily. You can set your computer to start
up Classic automatically when you log in to Mac OS X. Choose System Preferences from the
Apple (K) menu, click Classic, and select “Start up Classic on login to this computer.”
To quit the Classic environment, click Stop in the Classic pane of System Preferences. You can
save any unsaved changes to your Classic documents and quit Classic.
Important Because Mac OS X is already installed on your computer, you don’t need to
follow the installation instructions in Welcome to Mac OS X. Instead, follow the instructions
in Welcome to Mac OS X to log in and begin using Mac OS X.
Important Do not remove the Mac OS 9 operating system from your computer. For Classic
to work, Mac OS 9 must be installed.