Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/ Startup - 44
System quits or stops
1 If the system quits or stops responding in a specific
application, replace the application. Mac OS X: Verify the
application is compatible with OS X.
2 Clear parameter RAM. Hold down Command-Option-P-R
during startup until you hear a second startup chime.
3 Perform a clean install of system software with the system
restore CD that came with the computer.
4 Mac OS 9: Start up with extensions off to determine if there
are system extension or control panel problems.
5 Mac OS X: Relaunch Finder.
6 Mac OS X: Run Disk Utility. Mac OS 9: Run Disk First Aid.
7 Run Apple Hardware Test in loop mode (Control-L) for an
extended time to test the memory. If the test finds bad
memory, replace the DIMMs one at a time and test until all
bad DIMMs are replaced with known-good modules.
8 Reset the logic board.
• Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics): Refer to “Resetting the
PMU on the Logic Board” in this chapter.
• Power Macintosh G4 (PCI Graphics): Refer to “Resetting
the PCI Logic Board” in this chapter.
9 Replace the processor module.
10 Replace the logic board.
At startup, power-on
LED and computer
stay on only as long as
button is held in;
when button is
released, LED goes off
and computer powers
Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver and QuickSilver 2002):
1 Reseat the processor module.
2 Replace the processor module.
3 Replace the logic board.
4 Replace the power supply.
Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio):
5 Replace the power supply.
6 Reseat the processor module.
7 Replace the logic board.
8 Replace the processor module.