About apps
Your MacBook Pro comes with apps for creativity and apps for productivity. It also comes with
a collection of great apps for things you do every day, like surng the web, sending mail and
messages, and organizing your calendar.
Take your MacBook Pro to the next level with pro apps like Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X. You
can purchase these and other professional and creative apps from the Mac App Store. To nd out
more, click the App Store icon in the Dock.
To get help using any app, just click the Help menu (in the menu bar at the top of the screen)
when you’re using the app.
Safari is the best way to surf the web on your Mac. Just click the Smart Search eld to see icons
for your favorite websites, or type a search term or web address—Safari can tell the dierence
and will send you to the right place. You can save pages to your Reading List to read later, and
pin the websites you visit often so they are open, up to date, and easy to access. In tab view you
can see all your open tabs—even ones on your iOS devices.
Click the Smart Search
field to see icons for
your favorite websites.
Easily send webpages
or share them with
your social networks.
Create pinned sites to
keep favorite websites
open, active, and
easily accessible.
74% resize factor