Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Air 35
You can also check the amount of battery charge left by viewing the Battery ( )
status icon in the menu bar. The battery charge level displayed is based on the amount
of power left in the battery with the applications, peripheral devices, and system
settings you are currently using.
To conserve battery power, close applications and disconnect peripheral devices not in
use, and adjust your Energy Saver settings. For more information about battery
conservation and performance tips, go to www.apple.com/batteries/notebooks.html.
Important: The battery is replaceable only by an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
Getting Answers
Much more information about using your MacBook Air is available in Mac Help and on
the Internet at www.apple.com/support/macbookair.
To get Mac Help:
1 Click the Finder icon in the Dock (the bar of icons along the edge of the screen).
2 Click the Help menu in the menu bar and do one of the following:
a Type a question or term in the Search field, and select a topic from the returned list
or select Show All Results to see all topics.
bChoose Mac Help to open the Mac Help window, where you can click links or type a
search question.