
Note that for this example to work, it would have to be run by a root process on the local NetInfo domain,
or by a user process that has called dsDoDirNodeAuth with the inDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag parameter set
to FALSE to get permission to make this change.
Creating a Record and Adding an Attribute
The sample code in Listing 3-4 demonstrates how to create a record, open it, and add an attribute to it. The
sample code opens an Open Directory session and gets an Open Directory reference. Then it calls its
MyOpenDirNode routine and passes to it the address of the node reference (nodeRef) that it has allocated.
The MyOpenDirNode routine is described in the section “Opening and Closing a Node” (page 28).
The sample code then calls its CreateRecord routine and passes to it the node reference (nodeRef) obtained
by calling its MyOpenDirNode routine.
The CreateRecord routine calls dsDataNodeAllocateString to allocate a datanode (recName) containing
the string “NewUserRecordName” and another data node (recType) specifying kDSStdRecordTypeUsers
as the record type for the record that is to be created.
Then the CreateRecord routine then calls dsCreateRecordAndOpen, passing to it the node reference
created when dsOpenDirService was called, recName, recType, and the address of a record reference
value (recRef) initialized to zero. If dsCreateRecordAndOpen returns successfully, recRef will contain a
record reference that the CreateRecord routine will use to add an attribute for the record.
The CreateRecord routine then calls dsDataNodeAllocateString to allocate a data node (attrName)
containing kDS1AttrDistinguishedName. It also calls dsDataNodeAllocateString to allocate a data
node containing the string “User Record’s Display Name”, which will be set as the value of the attribute.
To add the attribute and set its value, the CreateRecord routine calls dsAddAttribute. It then cleans up
by calling dsCloseRecord to close the record and dsDataNodeDeAllocate to reclaim the memory
associated with attrName, recType, and recName.
When the CreateRecord routine returns, the sample code in Listing 3-4 calls dsCloseDirNode to close
the node that it opened in order to create and open the record.
Listing 3-4 Creating and opening a record and adding an attribute
void main ( )
long dirStatus = eDSNoErr;
tDirNodeReference nodeRef = NULL;
dirStatus = dsOpenDirService( &gDirRef );
if ( dirStatus == eDSNoErr )
dirStatus = MyOpenDirNode( &nodeRef );
if ( dirStatus == eDSNoErr )
CreateRecord( nodeRef );
dsCloseDirNode( nodeRef );
if ( gDirRef != NULL )
dirStatus = dsCloseDirService( gDirRef );
Creating a Record and Adding an Attribute 39
2007-01-08 | © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Working with Records