Getting to Know Your Computer 35
What You Can Do
With Multiple Users, you can allow up to 40 users to share a single Mac with their own
customized settings and private storage space. For example, users can set their own desktop
picture, sort their views the way they like, bookmark favorite Web sites, and do many other
things that create, in effect, a personalized Mac for each individual user. You can also specify
how much access—and liberty to change things—each individual user can have.
To Get Started
Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu and then choose Multiple Users from
the submenu.
2 Turn Multiple User Accounts on.
3 Click the Options button to configure overall multiple user settings such as the Welcome
message and other options.
4 Click the New User button.
5 Edit the user’s information, access privileges, and applications.
6 Close the Multiple Users control panel.
Each time the computer starts up, the login window appears. To go back to the login window
after another user has already logged in, choose Log Out from the Special menu.
Tips and Tricks
Create a voice print passphrase
Record yourself speaking a phrase, such as “My voice is my password.” Your Mac stores your
voice print for comparison. Later, when you log in by speaking your passphrase, your Mac
analyzes the biometrics of your voice to make sure you are who you say you are.
To Learn More
For more information on setting up Multiple Users, including creating a voice print
passphrase, search for “Multiple Users” in Mac Help. For the latest information on the
Mac OS, go to the Mac OS Web site at www.apple.com/macos