
“A c tiv e” vs . “Selected”: What’s the difference?
Think of a cup of water. The things you can do with the water (such as
stirring or sweetening it) are different from the things you can do with the
cup (such as moving or lifting it).
That’s basically the difference between working with an active part and
working with a selected part. An active part is like the water; a selected part
is like the glass.
You make a part active
m when you want to work with the contents of the part
m by clicking anywhere in the part
When a part is active, its menus are available in the menu bar. Only one part
can be active at a time.
You select a part
m when you want to move, resize, or delete the part
m by clicking the gray border of an active part, or by clicking the part while
holding down the Command (x) key on the keyboard
When a part is selected, the container part’s menus are available in the
menu bar. You can select multiple parts.
When a part is selected, “handles”
appear at its corners. You can now
resize, move, or delete the part.
When a part is active, a gray border
appears around it, and the menu items
for the part appear in the menu bar.