5 & 7
“Bookmark”: sets a bookmark at the current spot in the video. Only one bookmark
per le is allowed. You can bookmark up to 32 les. Bookmarked videos will appear,
in the “Video” browser, with a bookmark symbol and a progression bar.
to resume playing a video from a bookmark, go to the “Video” browser and high-
light the bookmarked video le. Select the “Bookmark” menu item, then choose
“Resume” (“Clear” will remove the bookmark from the video).
“Thumbnail”: saves the current image as a new thumbnail image in the “Video”
“Wallpaper”: the current image will be dened as your device’s background image.
you can choose to display the Video Player settings screen (see:
Video Player
) or the “Sound” settings screen (see:
“Sound” Settings
1.3 VIdeO Player seTTIngs
In the Video mode, you can access the Video Player settings screen by using the
“Settings” menu item.
Use the left/right arrows to select a different setting for a parameter.
“PlayMode”, “Repeat & Shufe”
the following table explains how the video player will work according to the set-
tings you chose in “PlayMode” AND “Repeat & Shufe”.