To edit an existing playlist:
Highlight the playlist and use the Show playlist menu item.
You can now add, shufe, move or remove tracks within the playlist, using the appropriate menu items.
An asterisk (*) appears after the playlist’s name in the right panel to indicate that modications were made
to the playlist and that it is unsaved.
After you have made the changes you want, save the playlist with the Save menu item, or with the Save As
menu item if you wish to give it a different name.
While playing a song, choose the Playlist menu item.
A new window will open with two panels, the music les on the left and the playlist on the right.
Tap on to focus on the left panel and select the song or folder of songs to add, then choose the Add to
playlist or Insert in playlist menu item to add them to the playlist.
Tap on to return to the playback screen.
Please note: this can only be done if you have entered the Music folder via the Music icon on the Home Screen
and not via the Browser icon.
2.6 PuTTIng MusIC OnTO yOur arChOs deVICe
There are two main methods to transfer your own music onto the ARCHOS:
Synchronize your music with Windows Media
Player 10 or 11
This method requires your ARCHOS USB connection to operate in ‘Windows Media Device’ mode
(see: System Settings). Windows Media
Player 10 or 11 will copy the music les you have selected
directly into the Music folder of the ARCHOS.
Copy and Paste your music les from your computer into the Music folder of your ARCHOS (see Computer
Connection for details on how to connect your ARCHOS device to your computer).
In order for the ARCLibrary to recognize your songs’ tags efciently, it is advised that you keep an orderly
structure for your music les, for instance by making a folder for each artist, containing a folder for each of
their albums, inside which are placed individual songs.
You can easily create audio content with your computer by using Windows Media
Player 10 or 11 to convert your
own CDs to MP3 or WMA format. Check the laws and regulations in your country or jurisdiction to know if private
copy of your CDs for your own use is authorized.
2.7 reCOrdIng audIO
Your ARCHOS device can record audio, via its AudioCorder function.
You will need the optional DVR Station or DVR Travel Adapter to record audio from an analog
source (see Optional Functionalities to learn more about this feature).