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11.4 Debug register descriptions
Table 11-5 shows definitions of terms used in the register descriptions.
11.4.1 Accessing debug registers
To access the CP14 debug registers you set Opcode_1 and Opcode_2 to zero. The CRn and CRm
fields of the coprocessor instructions encode the CP14 debug register number, where the register
number is
{<Opcode2>, <CRm>}
. In addition, the CRn field can specify additional registers.
Table 11-6 shows the CP14 debug register map.
11.4.2 CP14 c0, Debug ID Register
The DIDR is a read-only register that identifies the debug architecture version and specifies the
number of debug resources that the processor implements.
Table 11-5 Terms used in register descriptions
Term Description
R Read-only. Written values are ignored.
W Write-only. This bit cannot be read. Reads return an Unpredictable value.
RW Read or write.
RAZ Read-As-Zero. Always zero when read.
RAO Read-As-One. Always one when read.
SBZP Should-Be-Zero (SBZ) or Preserved (P). Must be written as 0 or preserved by writing the same value previously
read from the same fields on the same processor. These bits are usually reserved for future expansion.
UNP A read from this bit returns an Unpredictable value.
Table 11-6 CP14 debug register map
CRn Op1 CRm Op2 CP14 debug register name Abbreviation Reference
c0 0 c0 0 Debug ID Register DIDR CP14 c0, Debug ID
c1 0 c0 0 Debug ROM Address Register DRAR CP14 c0, Debug ROM
Address Register on
page 11-12
c2 0 c0 0 Debug Self Address Offset Register DSAR CP14 c0, Debug Self
Address Offset Register on
page 11-12
c3-c15 0 c0 0 Reserved - -
c0 0 c1 0 Debug Status and Control Register DSCR CP14 c1, Debug Status
and Control Register on
page 11-14
c1-c15 0 c1 0 Reserved - -
c0-c15 0 c2-c4 0 Reserved - -
c0 0 c5 0 Data Transfer Register DTR Data Transfer Register on
page 11-18