Loading the Film, Feed Side
Feel for the opening for threading.
• Guide the film head into the opening and carefully push
it further into the opening. Simultaneously feel on the
gear when the film engages with the internal sprocket.
• Be sure thast dual perforations is correctly loaded
(emulsion side inward, B winding).
• Carefully turn the gear further in the direction of the arrow
(clockwise) until the film emerges from the magazine throat.
• Pull some of the film out of the magazine throat.
If the film cannot be loaded at the first at-
tempt, cut off a piece of film and try again.
Never use force!
Attaching the Film Roll
• Hold the film roll over the center of the shaft.
• Place the film on the shaft and push the core as far as
it will go onto the core adapter, without pressing on
the film. The film will otherwise become conical and
cause noise during operation.
• The spring on the core adapter can be locked into the
groove in the film core by turning the film core on the
core adapter.
• Ensure that the film core is locked in place.
• Carefully place the guide roller arm on the film roll.
• Ensure that the guide roller is centered and guides the
film roll on both sides.
• Remove the tape seal from the film container.
• Place the closed film container and the magazine
without the loop protector in the changing bag.
• Place the magazine with the feed side up.
• Open the feed side of the magazine.
• Close the changing bag and place your hands in the
Changing Bag
• Open the film container in the closed changing bag.
• Remove the black film wrapper.
• Remove the tape from the film end.
Ensure that the tape is completely
• Stick the tape to the outside of the film container in
order to check later that no remains of tape are stuck
to the film.
• Close the empty film container and lay the film roll on
top of the container to facilitate threading the film.
Then place the film roll and the feed slot on the same
height, ensuring that the film roll feeds in as marked
on the magazine.
• Slide back the guide roller arm until it clicks in the
open position - do not pull the guide roller arm upwards.