The Sound of Silence
The 416 cameras use a completely new sound insulation design that makes the 416
and 416 Plus as quiet as an ARRICAM and allows the 416 Plus HS to record a very
stable image even at higher frame rates. An inner skeleton is suspended by symme-
trically positioned rubber insulators in an outer shell. The camera's movement and
other parts that create vibrations - and thus unwanted sound - are mounted to the
inner skeleton. The insulators prevent any sound from the inner skeleton radiating to
the outer shell. The symmetrical positioning of the insulators ensures that the ange
focal distance stays constant so there is no change in depth from heat or cold.
The 416 magazine is powered by a brushless silent torque motor; there is no
noisy mechanical linkage between camera and magazine. And just like the camera,
the 416 magazine consists of an inner skeleton and an outer shell separated by
rubber insulators, making it the quietest 16 mm magazine ever built.
When working with a truly silent sync sound camera, directors and actors can
concentrate on the performance and crews can concentrate on the action. How
much time has been wasted on sets dealing with camera sound problems? With a
sound level of less than 20 db(A), the ARRIFLEX 416 and 416 Plus are so silent that
sound recordists will be asking the same question they ask when working with the
ARRICAM: is the camera really running?
The camera body's inner skeleton is held by rubber
insulators to prevent sound from radiating.