– A New and Unique Output Format
A new and unique feature of both D-21 and D-21 HD is the patented Mscope
process, which combines for the rst time the use of anamorphic lenses with the
economy of HD acquisition.
Filmmakers and audiences alike have grown up with the uniquely cinematic ana-
morphic look and associate it with the emotional impact of big-screen movies. The
sheer width and clarity of the format, its shallow depth of eld, the way it handles out
of focus backgrounds and ares, all of these have been burned into the subconscious
of cinema-goers for over half a century.
Both D-21 and D-21 HD are uniquely positioned to allow the use of anamorphic
lenses through their 4:3 format sensor, which captures the whole image projected by
anamorphic lenses. Most other digital cameras with their 16:9 sensors are less than
ideal for anamorphic lenses; the Mscope
frames contain approximately 80% more
scanning lines than equivalent 2.40:1 scope images derived from ordinary 16:9 HD.
The anamorphically squeezed image as it
appears on the D-21 or D-21 HD 4:3 sensor
(2880 x 2160 pixels)
After post production the image has been downscaled and cropped to cover a 2.40:1 area
(1920 x 800 pixels for HD distribution or 1728 x 1440 for ARRILASER lm recording)