2. Scroll to the desired contact or phone number, then tap Call or press .
Tap Menu to do other tasks such as saving a caller’s phone information to your Contacts list, send a
text message to a caller, delete a call log, or lter call logs.
3. Tap or press to end the call.
Calling using the Speed Dial
The Speed Dial function enables you to quickly and conveniently call frequently-called numbers. You may
assign speed dial entries from 2 to 99.
To create a Speed Dial entry:
1. Ensure that the entry you want to create is already in the Contacts list.
2. Tap > Phone.
3. Tap on the phone pad.
4. Tap Menu > New.
5. Tap to select a contact from the list.
6. In the Location box, select an available key then tap .
To delete a Speed Dial entry:
• In the Speed Dial list, tap and hold an entry then tap Delete.
To call a Speed Dial entry:
1. Tap > Phone, then key in the assigned speed dial for the contact you want to call.
2. Tap or press to end the call.