One of the most powerful features in RollerCoaster Tycoon
3 is the ability to construct almost any
kind of edifice from the vast variety of structural pieces in the game; be it a castle, palace, mansion,
ghost town, shanty village or skyscraper.
Simple Construction
Open a construction set browser list and click on one of the pieces in the set — this causes a
grayed-out image of the piece to connect to your pointer. Press
Z to turn the piece at 90° incre-
ments. Position the piece where you want to place it and click the mouse button.Voila! The piece
has been placed at ground level. Continue to place pieces in the park this way until you close the
browser list.
To place pieces or rooftops above or below the ground-floor level, move the piece to the spot over
the ground where you want to place it, and then hold SHIFT and move the pointer up or down.
This causes the grayed-out piece to slide up and down (even below the ground).When your piece is
in the desired position, click to place it there.This is also useful when you want put up a wall piece
next to another but the shape of the land prevents the wall tops from aligning precisely; just hold
down SHIFT and move the pointer until the tops align.
Yo u can also hold down
CTRL to force the terrain to flatten around the building piece. Hold down
ALT to cut the land around the building piece.
Saving and Loading Buildings
Save your building to use in later scenarios or to trade with other players. Open the Custom
Structures menu and click the Select Objects button.Then, drag the mouse button over the ground
to mark the area under the building you want to save (taking care that the base of your structure
and a one-square margin around the structure is highlighted), name the object and click on the
Save button.
Load buildings created by other by copying the file to the directory indicated in the Sharing Your
Creations section of this manual.The next time you play RCT3, the new building will appear in the list
of Saved Selections.
Preparing Land for Bodies of Water
Use the Lower Land tools to shape the terrain for ponds and lakes.
Decorating and Texturing Land
Peeps love plush landscaping and varying ground cover.Place foliage around the park by accessing
the Scenery section of the Item Placement menu. Remember to use foliage of the same theme as
the surrounding structures and attractions. Change the ground cover using the Color Terrain tool in
the Terrain Shaping toolset.
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