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ORDER FORM FOR 91P Transmitter
Attention: Transmitter Ordering Department
Important: To help us expedite your order, please print all of the information
legibly and mail this form and your payment according to the
instructions below.
Indicate the pad number of your transmitter selected from the pads shown
Note: Transmitter model number found on back of case.
1)Name: _______________________________________
2)Address: ______________________________________
3) City: ________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ________
4) Telephone Number: (_____) _______________
5) Total Number Of Transmitters Required:
Cost Per Transmitter is: $65.00
Multiply By Number Of Transmitters X ______
6) Enter Total Amount Enclosed _________________
(New York State Residents must include the appropriate sales tax)
7) Method of Payment:
Mastercard Visa Check or Money Order (do not send cash)
Make Checks Payable To Audiovox Corporation
CreditCard Number: _________________________________
Credit Card Expiration Date: ____ / _____ / _____
8) Mail this form along with your payment to:
Credit card purchasers can order additional or replacement transmitters by phone.
Simply dial 1 - 800 - 645 - 4994, and follow the instructions from the operator
Audiovox Electronics Corp., 150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, N.Y., 11788