1. Position the GAME/REMOTE selector switch to Game
2. Use the select button (page up & page down) to display
the games (1-32). Then use the direction buttons to move the
arrow to the desired game. Press Start to select the game.
3. A Key : “A Function Key” activates the jump and optional
4. B Key : “ B Function Key” activates Bullet fire and attack.
5. TA Key : TURBO “A” Function Key.
6. TB Key : TURBO “B” Function Key.
7. Press Start to begin the game. Press Start again at any time
to pause the game.
8. Return the GAME/REMOTE selector switch to Remote
position after use.
Two-Player Games
The game source can only be selected from the M1 monitor.
When playing two-player games, select the GAME source on the
M1 monitor and select the M1 source on the M2 monitor.
When playing two-player games use two remote controls and set
the remote controls as follows:
Player 1 (M1 Monitor) sets their remote to Game/M1/P1
Player 2 (M2 Monitor) sets their remote to Game/M1/P2.
Single player games can be played on the M2 monitor but the M1
monitor must be turned on and set to the GAME source. You
cannot watch a DVD on the M1 monitor and play a game on the
M2 monitor. When playing a single player game on the M2
monitor set the remote control to GAME/M1/P1 and point the
remote control to the M2 monitor.