1. Place a JPG disc intothe discinsertion slot,the unitwill startreading thedisc and play.
2. Press the “MENU” button tobrowse JPGfiles.
3. Press the “ ” or “ ” cursor button to select aJPG fileand pressthe “OK”button toconfirm.
4. Press the cursor button to rotate the picture counter-clockwise;press the cursorbutton torotate thepicture clockwise.
5. Press the “DISPLAY” buttonwhen viewingpictures. You can select different refresh modes as follows:
a. From top tobottom
b. From bottom totop
c. From left side to rightside
d. From right sideto leftside
e. From left topto rightbottom
f. From right top toleft bottom
g. From left bottomto righttop
h. From right bottomto lettop
i. From horizontal center to both sides
j. From vertical center to both sides
k. From top and bottom tocenter
l. From right and left to center
m. From four window's top sideto bottomside
n. From four window'sleft sideto rightside
o. From four edgesto center.
6. When viewing files, “ ” may appear when pressing “Angle”,“Subtitle”, “Audio”or “Title” etc.
In this situation, these optionsare unavailable.
7. When viewing JPG files, press “ ”, pictures willbe displayedin thumbnailmode. Press“ ”
or press the “ OK”button toselect onepicture toview.